All posts published during 2005.
In #swig discussion today, I (re?)discovered Ian Davis's FRBR and RDF. Nifty stuff, but this business of making two properties for...
Hmm... the list of CivicSpace modules looks pretty interesting; TinyMCE is already on my breadcrubms todo list. Maybe just grab...
Wow... while surfing wikipedia for yellow pages, I found Wikicompany [[ * Semantical annotations will allow people (or machines) to...
Managing passwords via email callback is hampered by anti-spam mechanisms. I just helped a breadcrumbs user whose password message...
A couple MIT students have found their way to the #dig channel and asked about UROPs during IAP. I'm still learning about student...
A couple years ago, my flight to BOS for some meeting (the TP?) got me in at about 8:00 on a Tuesday night. I arrived with no plans...
In the W3C formalized digital library, we supplement the dublin core with a formal model of the W3C Rec-track process and various...
Our RSS feed is plaintext, so when it's syndicated in Planet RDF and the like, there are no links or pictures or even paragraph...
I'm writing to my brother about go-karting in Montreal last night, but OS X Mail editor doesn't grok hypertext. I'm tired of...
Via Karen in the TAMI project, I gather last month the Department of Justice and the Department of Homeland Security announced the...
@@Nov 2004 work on SPARQL testing SPARQL defns in MathML, N3 mathmlRules.xsl, which converts a little bit of MathML to N3. <math...
Somebody listed SAML+XACML as an access control model, and I asked for a summary, as contrasted with the unix user/group/world...
I've been playing around with the drupal taxonomy module. Why doesn't XML2005 show up under conferences? I wonder how to export the...
Shortly after I started at Microsoft, I had the opportunity to meet with the people behind Exchange, Outlook, MSN, Windows Mobile,...
The drupal theme we're using is XHTML-happy, but doesn't know that it's rude to change the font size of body text. Anybody wanna...
My talk was: @ 2:45 on Weds : Semantic Web Calendaring: RDF Calendar, hCalendar, and GRDDL I spent a lot of time preparing my...
Back from XML 2005 in Altanta, looking into a dist-upgrade, I hesitate to make the switch to the X server, since I use an...
I'm paying a doctor bill online. Checkfree asks me for the name, address, and phone number. I'm sure it's in yahoo yellow pages. I...
Brian King on piggy bank, solvent, via planet mozilla
I just finished a phone/IRC meeting. The norm is to have an email record of it. xchat automatically logs my channels. So I can go...
In a PAW project discussion of writing assignments for WWW2006, KR, etc., I asked that we use XHTML rather than LaTeX to...
In the TAMI project, K is giving us clues about how the U.S. federal government works. She told us a bit about the federal...
I recently took a turn leading discussion in the Notions & Notations class; I presented Issues in Semantic Web Logic, a hasty set...
The features of the systems that people build with PHP cannot be deined. We're pretty committed to drupal for this breadcrumbs...
What's the world coming to? I just saw an ad for soap on sourceforge. No, not SOAP the web services XML thing; soap; you know, the...
Requirements that at least one tool has failed: blockquote (-gnome-blog) lists (-gnome-blog) intra-page links (-b2evolution editor)...
skipping rocks Originally uploaded by DanC. ... skipping rocks. This post is prompted by a desire to test the flickr posting...
After ryanlee's cool hack to repost wordpress items to drupal via the blogger API, Eric M. asked if Ryan had seen SIOC. I took a...
Fire at Highfield campus... Fire destroys top research centre ... Good to hear the SemWeb people aren't effected[sic] -- folks in...
After a cwm/paw dev meeting we had a nice #swig hack-n-chat.
I'd like to... integrate my delicious bookmarks into this blog, at least selected tags. I'm not alone; there's a module. tag these...
Writing to this journal involves Yet Another Password. Sigh. Oh for OpenID support in drupal. Some folks seem to be working on it....
As if the t-mobile sidekick desktop interface weren't slow and painful enough, they shortened the login session timeout. Oh for an...
I upgraded AmdAntec over the weekend to Ubuntu breezy. Due to traffic, a straight apt-get dist-upgrade said it was going to take 14...
My XML 2005 late-breaking news proposal was accepted: Semantic Web Calendaring: RDF Calendar, hCalendar, and GRDDL. See the...
So I want to post a journal/blog entry about my recent trip to Edinburgh for a TAG meeting. How and where to post it?
Ugh... debian glibc transition. I tried to install nvu, and it wanted to remove my win4lin kernel in order to do so. Tags: debian, sysadmin
One-click dialing back in action Aha! Ted and Dom showed me how to add a tel: URI scheme handler to firefox. It turns out that...
So I'm helping my wife do some office work for a counsellor. We started with a bunch of .xls files. We exported those as text and...
Adventures with Mono I just wanted some background music for reading and maybe cleaning up my office a little... But I'm not really... -- advogato diary incremental backup; thanks to titus for some clues. v1.2 start with the highest number and counts...
I finally got a copy of the contents of my personal wiki converted to clean XHTML, one of the few formats I trust. After fixing a...
Bugs on top of bugs on top of paperwork: frustration on so many levels So I'm trying to send an expense report. The bane of my...
I reviewed my ISP bills and such over the weekend... went to check the mailbox that they provide... an address that I have never...
The --xml-output option on darcs commands is something I hope hg picks up; let's not do much more microparsing than we have to....
Using hCard, XSLT, and RDF to sync the family cellphones Mary got a new Motorola V188, which iSync supports. Buoyed by the success...
I'm no longer happy with my personal wiki; since upgrading to a version of zwiki that supports dated comments, I find that I'm more...
Got tired of the manual login-and-download-statement ritual with my bank, and since ClientForm and ClientCookie are such a joy and...
Glom reports looks interesting... using XSLT and CSS for reports... GTK... python API... postgress; that reminds me that In quacken...
Grokking Triples from Spreadsheets Sean notes that there are lots of triples in spreadsheets. Yup. After my Aug 2003 trip to...
WordPress Struggles Famous 5-Minute Install "2. Create a database for WordPress on your web server, as well as a MySQL username to...
taking the plunge to Ubuntu Hoary For those of you who have missed the daily churn of new packages, Hoary is for you. --...
IntegrityIsJobOne does gnome blog know this? they advertise... "Entries can be written gradually over the course of a day, popping...
testing gnome blog My son is supposed to keep a reading response journal. I wonder about having him do it with a blog... maybe...
Building a PC... end of an era? The kids' PC was noisy and slow. The Mac mini buzz was very tempting, but after going over Micro...
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