All posts published during 2005.
@@Nov 2004 work on SPARQL testing SPARQL defns in MathML, N3 mathmlRules.xsl, which converts a little bit of MathML to N3. <math...
Somebody listed SAML+XACML as an access control model, and I asked for a summary, as contrasted with the unix user/group/world...
I've been playing around with the drupal taxonomy module. Why doesn't XML2005 show up under conferences? I wonder how to export the...
Shortly after I started at Microsoft, I had the opportunity to meet with the people behind Exchange, Outlook, MSN, Windows Mobile,...
The drupal theme we're using is XHTML-happy, but doesn't know that it's rude to change the font size of body text. Anybody wanna...
My talk was: @ 2:45 on Weds : Semantic Web Calendaring: RDF Calendar, hCalendar, and GRDDL I spent a lot of time preparing my...
Back from XML 2005 in Altanta, looking into a dist-upgrade, I hesitate to make the switch to the X server, since I use an...
I'm paying a doctor bill online. Checkfree asks me for the name, address, and phone number. I'm sure it's in yahoo yellow pages. I...
Brian King on piggy bank, solvent, via planet mozilla
I just finished a phone/IRC meeting. The norm is to have an email record of it. xchat automatically logs my channels. So I can go...
In a PAW project discussion of writing assignments for WWW2006, KR, etc., I asked that we use XHTML rather than LaTeX to...
In the TAMI project, K is giving us clues about how the U.S. federal government works. She told us a bit about the federal...
I recently took a turn leading discussion in the Notions & Notations class; I presented Issues in Semantic Web Logic, a hasty set...
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