All posts published during .
One of my favorite patterns of cooperation is Office Hours. I open my office, virtually, and welcome questions and other open...
After 15 years at W3C and 10 years at KUMC, my next gig is at Agoric.
This was great fun... especially working with @suhailski. — Dan Connolly (@dckc) December 7, 2020 @agoric ·...
I read CS papers by turning notation into (@idrislang) code. Slow going, but the only way I really grok. e.g....
Inspired by mention of a gRPC client and server library in Tokio alpha release with async & await, I tried building an rchain...
In Writing sustainable Python scripts (lobsters discussion), the initial prototype looks like: import sys for n in...
A lot of the friction around my blog has been running the build step: re-constituting python dependencies, running the build,...
Computers are getting faster, smaller, more connected, and more capable, but when it comes to security, everything is broken. Along...
originally published as jukekb on bitbucket My digital music collection has two parts: the audio files themselves, which are...
To celebrate rust turning 1.0, here's what I learned with mmind5, a study of Knuth's five guess algorithm for mastermind. While I...
We have multi-core, gigahertz processors on our wrists. Games are developed like Hollywood blockbusters, with hundreds of creative...
Inspired by sfackler's rust-postgres, I started from scratch...
seL4 is open source, is coming, and Rserve has an ocap mode.
I've taken on an open source software development apprentice. He's passionate about music and gaming, so we looked at The Music...
To get from objects to capabilities, we need absolute encapsulation: From outside an object, one must not be able to gain access to...
Module-level code uses only authority passed to it by callers. Only the top level script environment is trusted with the full authority of the python standard library.
Things are still rough around the edges, but it looks like there's plenty of mature functionality in the middle. This looks like the most promising approach I've seen for game development for android and HTML5.
With the release of Rust 0.5, I polished up a little analysis of issues using R and the github issue API. I initially downloaded...
A couple years ago, I started using blogger because I wanted immersive hypermedia editing, and I wanted it for free. Well, you get what you pay for.
During an annual purge of old file boxes, I came across my 5 1/4 CoCo disks. Much of what I know about unix and linux actually...
A couple months ago, I inherited some Java code and took on the task of fixing a bug in it. The bug turned out to be a consequence...
I wanted to listen to an audiobook on my android phone, so I ripped it (using banshee) and copied the tracks, but "track 1" from...
I've always been a programmer. Then I learned enough about shipping software products at Convex and Dazel, and then global...
The Blizzard of Oz snow day gave me a chance to get my taxes done yesterday, and today I used the time to scratch a long-standing...
After 15 years working on web standards at W3C, the title of my new position is Biomedical Informatics Software Engineer. I know...
Fun and Frustration with Scala In a September item, Martin Kleppmann says: Scala in 2009 has the place which Python had in 2004. I...
My family is here in KC but my work is at MIT and Silicon Valley and Vancouver and Edinburgh and Beijing... mostly over the...
Social standards and coding fugues I got Cryptonomicon for Christmas; chalk one up for Amazon wish-lists. It walks the line between...
At the August PAW meeting, I dropped a pointer in IRC to, my attempt to use sshagent to make digital signatures. I...
My habits for developing quality code in python are bumping up against the fact that the deployment platforms for the web client...
Adventures with Mono I just wanted some background music for reading and maybe cleaning up my office a little... But I'm not really...