All posts published during .
Achievements unlocked: Moddable XS JavaScript engine onr genode and HP Envy Notebook PC running free software.
I have been looking for someone to reproduce my work porting Agoric's SwingSet secure distributed computing platform to the Moddable xs JavaScript engine. On my recent trip to San Francisco, that someone turned out to be me.
Computers are getting faster, smaller, more connected, and more capable, but when it comes to security, everything is broken. Along...
originally published as jukekb on bitbucket My digital music collection has two parts: the audio files themselves, which are...
extending the open web platform to my wrist
seL4 is open source, is coming, and Rserve has an ocap mode.
I managed the relevant part of W3C at the time...
Things are still rough around the edges, but it looks like there's plenty of mature functionality in the middle. This looks like the most promising approach I've seen for game development for android and HTML5.
There's a lot of wisdom in what Crockford continues to say about HTML5 and web security: The HTML5 proposal does not attempt to...
My regular schedule of working group meetings and conferences had a gap in April, and my list of reasons to chat with Ben was...
My habits for developing quality code in python are bumping up against the fact that the deployment platforms for the web client...