All posts published during .
I'm under contract with RChain, two days a week from June to December, to work on smart contracts for health research data sharing....
I want to like postgres over mysql, but this experience was dreadful.
Inspired by sfackler's rust-postgres, I started from scratch...
My doctor's portal offers data in the standard CCD format; What's the shortest path to get that data to my employer's health assessment? Copy and paste, one field at a time.
With the release of Rust 0.5, I polished up a little analysis of issues using R and the github issue API. I initially downloaded...
A quote from Gruber, via Norvig in 2009, on the sociology of developing ontologies: In some domains, competing factions each want...
My ideal personal accounting system would support double-entry accounting, with budgeting, reports, and charts have an open...
I've always been a programmer. Then I learned enough about shipping software products at Convex and Dazel, and then global...