All posts published during .
The number of stars on my awesome-ocap repo has grown steadily since My Capability Security 2017 Wish-List. My github feed shows...
One of my favorite patterns of cooperation is Office Hours. I open my office, virtually, and welcome questions and other open...
In this year's holiday lull, I got closer to a "capabilities all the way down" workstation using Genode, an OS framework with...
After 15 years at W3C and 10 years at KUMC, my next gig is at Agoric.
This was great fun... especially working with @suhailski. — Dan Connolly (@dckc) December 7, 2020 @agoric ·...
Achievements unlocked: Moddable XS JavaScript engine onr genode and HP Envy Notebook PC running free software.
I'm typically connected to IRC channels for a few ocap projects etc.: #erights #genode #idris #indieweb #monte #ocaml #sandstorm...
I have been looking for someone to reproduce my work porting Agoric's SwingSet secure distributed computing platform to the Moddable xs JavaScript engine. On my recent trip to San Francisco, that someone turned out to be me.
I'm under contract with RChain, two days a week from June to December, to work on smart contracts for health research data sharing....
This year I was invited to a Blockchain meets Object Capabilities panel in San Francisco July 3 and the RChain developer retreat in...
I got seL4 running on my Raspberry Pi 3B tonight. Even though I worked with Dale Dougherty in the early '90s, I've been on the...
Computers are getting faster, smaller, more connected, and more capable, but when it comes to security, everything is broken. Along...
The consequences of hooking stuff up to the Internet without sufficient care are going up all the time: Iranian Cyber Attack on New...
Inspired by sfackler's rust-postgres, I started from scratch...
seL4 is open source, is coming, and Rserve has an ocap mode.
To get from objects to capabilities, we need absolute encapsulation: From outside an object, one must not be able to gain access to...
Module-level code uses only authority passed to it by callers. Only the top level script environment is trusted with the full authority of the python standard library.
A couple months ago, I inherited some Java code and took on the task of fixing a bug in it. The bug turned out to be a consequence...