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The GTD book says to use your calendar only for things you have to get done at a specific time. But modern calendaring tools manage several calendars. I have one or two Google calendars that I use for real appointments, but after trying lots of alternatives, I ended up using another Google calendar as my projects list.
Smartphones let you carry a phone, a PDA, GPS, music, photos and lots more all in one device. But remember when you could call your...
The SIMILE Timeline is a nifty hack. DanBri writes about Who, what, where, when? of the Semantic Web, and in a message to the...
Going over my calendar bookmarks I rediscovered TaskJuggler: TaskJuggler provides an optimizing scheduler that computes your...
My regular schedule of working group meetings and conferences had a gap in April, and my list of reasons to chat with Ben was...
The Google Data APIs Protocol is pretty interesting. It seems to be based on the Atom publishing protocol, which is a pretty...