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It's no wonder my kids struggle so much more to pay for college: Hours of minimum wage work needed to pay for four years of public...
A critical, independent and investigative press is the lifeblood of any democracy. -- Nelson Mandela Newspaper revenue has...
Let's all pledge to match spending on movies with donations in memory of Aaron Swartz
I find politics so distasteful that I rarely get directly involved, but on June 4, after I watched Inside Job, I felt compelled to...
The new year brings a reminder that we have turned our culture over to Viacomm, AOL/TW, Disney, Clear Channel, and News Corp, with...
Lord of War (2005) came to the top of my Netflix queue this week; it has been on my various to-do lists since February 2008 when my...
Getting a new G1 T-Mobile Google cell phone is an investment in the android platform, which isn't yet mature. It's like getting a...
Social standards and coding fugues I got Cryptonomicon for Christmas; chalk one up for Amazon wish-lists. It walks the line between...