
Dan Connolly's tinkering lab notebook

Office Hours: Patterns of Cooperation without Vulnerability

One of my favorite patterns of cooperation is Office Hours. I open my office, virtually, and welcome questions and other open discussion, mostly about the way object capabilities can be used to form patterns of cooperation without vulnerabilities, but also wider discussion of Web Architecture, open source, project management... and occasionally, to fill gaps, guitar :)

Agoric Dev Office Hours on Wednesdays is the main series these days.

Dan's talking head next to an Agoric web page

Notes with video recordings are the norm. All episodes have at least a tab dump of the links discussed in the session (thanks to the TabCopy extension).

There's a lot going on at Agoric!

I started doing Saturday RChain community building office hours: Story Telling and Test Cases in 2018. but as the RChain Blues set in, I re-scoped my Saturday time as awesome-ocap office hours.

I haven't had critical mass on a Saturday morning for a while, so I join Hack & Craft now and then. Darn... this is an off week; they only run 1st and 3rd Saturdays of the month.