
Dan Connolly's tinkering lab notebook

Capability idioms for python, part 2: encapsulated method suites

To get from objects to capabilities, we need absolute encapsulation:

From outside an object, one must not be able to gain access to the object's internals without the object's consent, even if one has a reference to the object. For operating systems, this corresponds to the separation of processes...

The python philisophy is more casual:

There is no private keyword in Python. ... We are all consenting adults.

But Ping demonstrated, as early as 2003, how to build method suites from python lexical scopes and private namespaces:

class Namespace:
    def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
        for value in args:
            self.__dict__[value.__name__] = value
        for name, value in kw.items():
            self.__dict__[name] = value

class ImmutableNamespace(Namespace):
    def __setattr__(self, name, value):
        raise TypeError('read-only namespace')

def FileReader(path, name):
    def __repr__():
        return '<FileReader %r>' % name

    def open():
        return ReadStream(, 'r'), name)

    def getsize():
        return os.path.getsize(path)

    def getmtime():
        return os.path.getmtime(path)

    return ImmutableNamespace(__repr__, open, getsize, getmtime, name=name)

That's the approach I followed when I started exploring capabilities in earnest a year and a half ago. But something about it didn't sit right with me... one of the python lint tools didn't see see those as methods of the FileReader class and I started wondering if some idiom with metaclasses would feel more natural. Metaclasses turned out to be not quite right, but the exploration led me to the custom __new__ factory:

class Readable(ESuite):
    '''Wrap the python file API in the Emily/E least-authority API.
    def __new__(cls, path0, os_path, os_listdir, openf):
        path = os_path.abspath(path0)

        def isDir(_):
            return os_path.isdir(path)

        def exists(_):
            return os_path.exists(path)

        def subRdFiles(_):
            return (subRdFile(n)
                    for n in os_listdir(path))

        def inChannel(_):
            return openf(path)


        return cls.make(isDir, exists, subRdFiles, inChannel)

... where make() comes from:

class ESuite(object):
    def make(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        arg_methods = [(f.__name__, f) for f in args]
        suite = dict(arg_methods, **kwargs)
        return type(cls.__name__, (ESuite, object), suite)()

There's an extra level of indentation, and I'm still working on getting docstrings to work as usual. I do occasionally forget to update the cls.make(...) boilerplate when I add a method; not DRY at all. Mark Seaborn's CapPython approach uses a static verifier on completely ordinary python code. I meant to look into it further, but this ESuite idiom has really grown on me because it's a lot like scala constructor args:

  1. It gets rid of the repetitive self._xyz = xyz stuff in __init__
  2. Since the constructor args are all accessed by static scoping, pyflakes can check them, unlike self._xyz. (That's why I use _ rather than self in the method definitions: self usually isn't needed)

I've fleshed out a few of the traditional object capability patterns on top of this ESuite idiom and called it blacknightcap, since, while I'm reasonably confident it's compatible with approaches to secure python's introspection mechanisms and tame the standard library, I haven't bothered with any of that; so nothing stops you from just stepping over the stream, as it were.

I haven't bothered because my use case is not actually hosting untrusted code but rather just facilitating testing, auditing, and design. More on that in another episode...