All posts published during 2013.
When I was doing exploratory signal processing a year ago, the IPython notebook was obviously a good tool. I tried it again recently for bringing old math notes back to life, and that went well too. So I'm putting a little effort into tooling support.
My quest to to find a good digital preservation technique for my college math and computer science notebooks has been rekindled most recently by idris and earlier by metamath and proofcheck.
I'm looking into using a Mac OS VM (aka hackintosh) to access my old iPhoto libraries, at least long enough to migrate them to another platform.
I managed the relevant part of W3C at the time...
To get from objects to capabilities, we need absolute encapsulation: From outside an object, one must not be able to gain access to...
Module-level code uses only authority passed to it by callers. Only the top level script environment is trusted with the full authority of the python standard library.
My doctor's portal offers data in the standard CCD format; What's the shortest path to get that data to my employer's health assessment? Copy and paste, one field at a time.
Sometimes I come back to a file I worked on and I wish I would have checked it in. I like to pretend I did by using the file...
Things are still rough around the edges, but it looks like there's plenty of mature functionality in the middle. This looks like the most promising approach I've seen for game development for android and HTML5.
The GTD book says to use your calendar only for things you have to get done at a specific time. But modern calendaring tools manage several calendars. I have one or two Google calendars that I use for real appointments, but after trying lots of alternatives, I ended up using another Google calendar as my projects list.
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