All posts published during 2007.
I have a new bookmark. No, not a bookmark; not some bits in a file. This is the kind you have to go there to get.. go...
I just discovered Kindle: Amazon's New Wireless Reading Device. About $10 per e-book sounds ok, but $0.10 to put my own files on...
I want to brainstorm about a bunch of issues in preparation for the HTML WG meeting this week. tracker's forms interface won't let...
As Simon Willison notes, OpenID solves the identity problem, not the trust problem. Meanwhile, FOAF and RDF are potential solutions...
Remembering Modula-3 Systems Programming with Modula-3 has been on my wishlist for years, but after reading the feedback from Tim...
I just discovered SocksiPy - A Python SOCKS client module via a httplib2 - 0.4.0 announcement. I wonder how SocksiPy relates to the...
The schedule for this fall soccer season came out August 11th. I got the itinerary for the trip I'm about to take on July 26. But I...
We're long overdue for standard URIs for units of measure in the Semantic Web. The SUMO stuff has a nice browser (e.g. see meter),...
Package management is a blessing when there’s integrated QA and support. apt-get is only one half of the equation; the Debian Bug...
Music Collections and Office Organization It worked this time. I wonder why. I have been trying to rip Paul Simon's Graceland using...
Not only does the nv driver not do 3D acceleration, it doesn't seem to do 1600x1050 resolution either. The nvidia module in the...
Last Tuesday, TimBL started to gripe that the WWW2007 program had lots of stuff that he wanted to see all at the same time; we both...
One my trip to Duke, just after I arrived on Thursday, Pat Hayes gave a talk about IKL; it's a logic with nice Web-like properties...
I went to the 1st International HASTAC Conference, April 19-21, 2007 at Duke University in Durham, NC, USA. My stated role was to...
My desktop PC is a frankenstein, with parts from here and there. It has been crashing and hanging once a week or so since December,...
I have been tracking the mercurial project for a couple years now. First just a bookmark under python+scm, then after using hg to...
Social standards and coding fugues I got Cryptonomicon for Christmas; chalk one up for Amazon wish-lists. It walks the line between...
In #swig discussion, Tim mentioned he did some writing on labels and rules and OWL which prompted me to flesh out some related...
18:98992cbff4fd 2007-01-04 work around MS Exchange attachment bug Exchange 2000 Server requires a file name in the Content-type...
A while back, somebody turned the Monty Python Burn the Witch sketch into an example resolution proof. Bijan and Kendall had some...
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