All posts published during 2004.
End of year giving Hmm... which to give to... EFF? SPI? United Way? Why did take forever to respond? is...
Ubuntu rocks! dajobe told me about Ubuntu during a break in our meeting, ironically, when I asked him for tips re my new PowerBook....
bottles is on hold until the customer resolves a legal issue with a developer of an earlier version of the project. Sigh. raph......
bottles is really starting to come together... to the point where I'd like to publish the code in the normal way so that I can show...
I'm developing an interesting relationship with my chiropractor... Dr. M is my customer sometimes. The first time, I helped him...
Using XSLT to get from XHTML to LaTeX The ISWC2004 deadline got extended by a couple weeks just as one of TimBL's design issues...
A search for usb midi keyboard support and an example of great open source software marketing Beast is a powerful music composition...
Finally released, a gateway between AIM and IRC after factoring the passwords out of it a few days ago (3Jan rdfig...
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